Story 116

I woke up that morning, and my friend wrote me that we are in a war. I turned on my tv right away, and saw all the horrors that happened on 7.10. I was shocked and didn’t know how to react, my mom told me that my uncle was called to reserve duty in the army. A few days later, I went to a place near my house , where we packed food and living equipment for soldiers and evacuees, I went there a couple times with my friend. In addition, because I am in MADA (Red David Shield, the Israeli Red Cross), I went to help with blood donations a few times. It was very difficult for me to continue studies ‘as usual’, that is on Zoom, because I didn’t understand how we can study like nothing is happening right now in our country , so I was really left behind in the material. Almost all the first 2 weeks I was sleeping in my best friend’s house because she was too scared to sleep alone.

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