Story 117

Hey , my name is Aline and my goal here is to share my story with you , so the 7.10.23 was supposed to be a really calm and regular day for me and my family, but it went wrong when at 9 am I woke up to the ring of my phone. I was shocked to see all the messages and calls from random people. I didn’t have any idea of what happened, it really took me a week to realize all the damage that was done by the terrorists. I never expected anything like this to happen, my father who is an officer in the army had to take more dangerous job to help the army , my mom was really worried about him at first. At first, I was always near mom and we took care of each other every day. Then, when the things in Haifa started getting better and we returned to school, I returned to volunteer at MADA (Red David Shield, the Israeli Red Cross). During one of my shifts we got a call from a helicopter full of
injured soldiers , the helicopter was on the way to the hospital in Haifa and our job was to provide them first aid and to drive them asap to the hospital. It was really hard to take care of them , one was without a leg and the second one without arms. I’m really proud of myself that I didn’t panic or didn’t do anything wrong,
After this shift I really got a picture of our hard reality these days.

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