Story 51

In the morning of 10/7/23 I woke up from an alarm and I screamed to my big brother to come to the shelter and then my parents told me that he was at his friends house so I rushed to shelter and we have been there for a 2 hours without food or water and we didnt have any internet.

My parentes wanted my big brother home so my dad went so get him but then another alarm started so he came   back then we heard a loud noise and it felt like an earthquaik then my dad rushed and then he found out that the loud noise was a missile hit the front of our house so we couldnt get out and there was fire evrey where. 

so my dad climbed over the fire and he got in is car and another alarm started but my dad didnt care and he went to my brother's friend and he got back.

 then a week past by and it was all the same so my parents decided to book a flight to hungary but my dad couldn't come beacuase he helped Israel in the war so we have been there for months.

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