Story 87

Hello, my name is Idan, and I am 16 years old. On the 7 th of October, I came home from a beach party at 5AM, not knowing how the near future was going to look like.

I woke up in my room, which is also the safe room of the house, and I saw it was full of food and supplies. When I asked my mother what was going on, she told me that Hamas terrorists had broken the border gates and killed a lot of people and taken hundreds hostage. I couldn’t believe it at first, but after the first shock I realized a war had started once again against Israel. Two weeks after, when we the full damage of innocent lives that were taken. I couldn’t believe the names on the list, pure souls of amazing people that I didn’t know then, and unfortunately some names of people that I knew. I am a Scout leader in Israel, when we returned to our normal activities I had to talk about the war with the children I am guiding. Seeing their confused faces full of fear and not joy and happiness made me cry. Why? Why small children age 9-10 have to go through this?

Almost six months have passed and the losses are still unbelievable. Anyone reading this, I want you to know Isarael is strong, and anyone who hates us only makes us stronger. We will fight for our people and homeland, and I hope we will win peace and people won’t hate us because of lies.

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