Story 89

I will start telling about the day before 7.10. Everything was normal, it was a Friday and I went to sleep at my best friend’s house, the girl who I am really the happiest to be with. On Saturday I woke up in the morning, drove home and was supposed to celebrate her birthday with my childhood friend without knowing that it was going to be a shocking and traumatic day. We were supposed to celebrate at the beach and have a small party, me, her and another friend of hers. Our parents talked and decided because of the situation that we wouldn't go out because no one knew what the situation was. I really remember seeing my parents sitting all day in front of the

TV crying and shocked by the situation. I didn't know how to process all this, so I opened Telegram (in retrospect I shouldn't have opened it). I saw sights that I don't think a human being should see in his entire life. I saw people die from fear and terror, being murdered, slaughtered, and more. I was terribly afraid that it would come to the north as well. I remember that I was really afraid to go into the shower.

I was afraid that terrorists would enter my room. This whole situation scared me, and I think of the entire people of Israel. During the week, I took a picture every day. I waited for the situation to happen. I felt that I had to take a picture of the situation. All my cousins received ‘order nr. 8’ (emergency call-ups of the army) and went to the reserve. I was terribly afraid.

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