Story 102

Hi, my purpose today is to tell about my experience in Israel.  On the seventh of

October I was at home sleeping, and I was shocked when I found out that there was a war.  At night I couldn't sleep for fear that they would reach us.  The mother of someone I know said she was missing.  A week later I saw a video showing people at the Nova party being shot to death.  The video is full of bodies of people piled on top of each other.  Among the bodies I saw the girl I know, with the clothes she took a picture the day before the disaster covered in blood.  I can't believe she's dead. 

She was someone so special and sweet, it's unbelievable that she died.  She used to train in the gym where I train now and at the entrance there are lots of photos from the past.  There are many pictures of her happy and laughing.  It's unbelievable that there are people who think we are the culprits, and that we are killing innocent people while they started and killed and burnt and butchered innocent people. We later saw pictures of her hanging on lamp posts in the street, to remind everybody of her death.

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