Story 112

I remember when I woke up at around 9AM on October 7th, I opened my phone and saw a lot of messages saying “Be safe”, “Is everyone o.k?”… and I didn’t understand what everyone was talking about, so I opened the news and saw the horrible things that had happened and I was shocked and scared that it would happen in Haifa too. My father established ‘alert squads’ (civil emergency teams) in my neighborhood and all around the city and explained to people what to do in case of a rocket hit on a building, because he has a second degree in emergency and disaster management and knows a lot about this stuff. Also, I’m a guide at the Scouts and some of the members of the youth group that I am responsible for have family near the Gaza Strip and they visited them on October 7th, so I was worried about them. They told me that they heard the alarms in the morning and left quickly.

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