Story 124

My feelings. The date was 7.10, Shabbat morning, I woke up and was ready to go for a hike with my family. I was getting ready for the hike when I noticed an enormous amount of messages on my phone. I unlocked my phone and then I saw it, I saw the disaster, I saw my people being slaughtered by Palestinian terrorists. They killed thousands of our people and took hundreds of hostages. That day I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat and the only thing I did was to look at the news and the messages. And then the war started, missiles were fired on Israel from Gaza and people in Israel were killed every day, there was no school for over a month and we stayed at home and were always in constant stress and fear.
After a few weeks the hate began, I saw huge demonstrations against Israel and I saw the hate against Israel everywhere, I saw it in the news, I saw it all over the social media and I saw the hate against Jews and Israelis in other countries.
I have relatives in the US and the UK, and I was very stressed and feared for them, and then I thought, what the hate is for, in what world the victims are being hated and why?, because they were Jewish? I thought that this kind of hate was extinct and I couldn’t understand why am I being hated? Why my family is being hated? Why the people of my country are being hated? After all, we are the victims, and our sons and daughters were slaughtered and we were murdered. I was scared to be Israeli and scared to be Jewish for the first time of my life and I am afraid to travel to a different country. But there is also a positive side to that, I came to realize why a country for the Jewish people is so important and I realized that I will never replace my country and that hate will not win. I hope that people will come to their senses and stop the hatred so that we can all live in a better world.

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