Story 130

On Saturday morning, October 7th, me and my friend were on a trip to the Hermon mountain. This was the last day of the trip, so we were supposed to reach the peak of the Hermon that day. We walked few hundreds of meters, when we were informed that we need to come back to the camp immediately, we were going back home. Of course, we were very upset we wouldn't reach the peak after all; also, we couldn't understand why a few rockets at the south of Israel must cause our trip (at the northernmost place in Israel) to end. We didn't comprehend the size of the horror yet. While on the way home, updates continued to arrive, and we began to understand: ok, this is not just few rockets, this is something else we've never seen before. After I arrived home, the rest of my day was spent watching the news, shocked. Our trip in the morning seemed so far away. Every generation in Israel experiences a major shocking event, something that affects him deeply: the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948; the Yom Kippur war in 1973; the Gulf War in 1991; the Second Intifada in 2000. For me and my generation, the October 7th war is this event. For the first time in my life, I worry that I won't have a safe place to live in.

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