Story 131

I live in Israel and as you probably heard , we have a difficult and heart breaking situation here for over a month. From October 7th this terrible, desparate, difficult war started. The war has had an awful influence on everybody’s lives and health (mentally or physically).
To my Ukrainian friends, nobody knows better than you what war is, what it's like to lose friends, family members, even if it's just people you've only seen once or know by name. See all the kidnapped children and heartbroken parents. That feeling that you can't leave the news, but on the other hand you can't watch it anymore because it depresses you. Another thing is the distance, I moved for something like a week or more to my grandparents’ house, so they won’t be alone at this hard times and because they have a safety room. Since the First Gulf war (1991), when Saddam Hussain shot Scud Missilos at Israel, every new house or building must have such a safety room, which is meant to protect us against rockets. Because of that I didn’t see my family and friends for more than a month. I didn’t go to the gym, hardly went to school. I have family in Ukraine, in Kyiv. Some of them stayed and some of them got out of the country and now they are kind of stuck. Anyways, I hope that you’re okey and all the wars will be over finally. Stay safe.

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