Story 139

Hi, my name is Noam and I live in Haifa, Israel.
As you probably already know, the situation here is very scary. Everyday we wake up with new information about more soldiers or civilians that got killed. On October 7th we woke up with the most horrible news we could ever get, we got a bunch of pictures and videos of innocent civilians getting killed, raped, and kidnapped by the Hamas in their own houses or at the big party that was there. Luckily, they didn’t get to my place, but I know people who were kidnapped to Gaza or were killed by them. I have to share with you my thoughts, I always believed in peace with the Palestinians, but after October 7th, I understood that they don’t want peace with us, they want to “spread the Islamic culture” and now I really don’t know what to think anymore. We are all very nervous in here and just want this all to be over so we can get back to life.
I hope that one day we could live in peace and live together.

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