Story 94

On the day of the 7th of October I woke up on a normal Saturday morning and went to the living room and saw my mother and grandmother watching the news and they told me that something serious was happening. At first I didn't really understand, after a few minutes I called my father and asked what was going on in the country, and he told me that Hamas was breaking into the country. When I understood what was going on, I understood this was something serious, not like the rockets they launch once in a while.

I have a really good friend whose aunt was at a party that day, and at first they didn't hear from her for a long time so they didn't know if she was murdered, kidnapped or maybe saved and hiding. After a day or two they announced that she was murdered.

The war greatly affected my day-to-day life, when we went back to school I didn't go to school for a week, and every place you go to is sometimes scary and you suspect everything, and the confidence dropped a little.

There is a feeling that there will be a big war, even a third world war. There is concern about Hezbollah who are in the north and close to us, Hezbollah is much stronger than Hamas and if we go to war with them it is a completely different world than Hamas.

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