Story 95

A week after the war started, my family and I decided that it would be better for

Grandma to live with us until the situation calmed down, so that she would not be alone and we could make sure that in the event of an alarm she would reach a protected area safely. My grandmother does not like to feel that she is a burden for others or that she makes them feel uncomfortable, so she felt a little uncomfortable with us, but nevertheless we understood that the war requires us to make changes, whether we want to or not. And in the end, when we went through this difficult time together, we managed to strengthen each other. My cousin, who is like a big brother to me, was drafted into the army reserves. One day I understood from my father that he informed his father that there was an infiltration of terrorists into the base and that he wanted him to know that he loves us all. I was afraid, I was terribly afraid, for several hours we did not hear from him, but finally we understood that he was

OK, and I was very relieved.

When the war started, I realized that as a citizen of the State of Israel I must find my

way to contribute, to help. Finally, I decided to teach elementary school children math at Zoom, voluntarily of course, in order for them to fill in the gaps created due to the war, and also so that I can keep them busy, so that they will not sink into sadness or inaction... I have been teaching them for 3 months now and I enjoy it very much, it gives me a sense of meaning! In conclusion, the situation in Israel is not simple, and affects all citizens, but when everyone makes the necessary changes, when they find their way to contribute and be a part, we will grow out of the situation, recover and become stronger!

Long live Israel!

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