Story 96

Im a 16-year-old girl with divorced parents. My mother lives in Haifa but my father lives south of Haifa. When the war broke out, I was at my father's house. While I was getting ready to go out with friends for brunch, my father knocked hard on my door. He started shouting at me &t;There is an alarm! There's an alarm!" After I turned off the music, I suddenly understood what he said and ran with him to the safe room in the house. While we were all stuck there, we began to understand that there is a war and it is not an exercise. After that, it took weeks before I could go back to live with my mother as well because it was a long drive to go to her and we were afraid that an alarm would catch us. In the meantime, we returned to learning from Zoom, which was a strange experience reminiscent of the Corona virus. But unlike Corona, this type of quarantine had a different, more difficult atmosphere. We didnt hear music, we didnt sing, we didn't dance, nothing. Five months have passed since then.

We have already returned to studying face-to-face and life has so-called returned to normal, but when the boys in the family went to the reserves and entered Gaza, we were all scared to death for them, and we still are. The inner feeling is hard.

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